Lyric Legend Android App Review

The Lyric Legend Android App by Beta TuneWiki is an android game which is lyric based guitar hero esque game. The game is wonderfully designed and is extremely ascetically pleasing as well as being designed superiorly. The gameplay is extremely intense and addictive. This game will absolutely keep you entertained for an extended period of time. The learning curve is non-existent and has several different levels of difficulty based on what you think you can perform at. The game utilizes timing and the touch interface on your phone to navigate through the gameplay successfully.

When you open the app you will see the main menu in front of you in which you will be able to select the song and the level of difficulty in which you want to pursue. There are two songs that come installed; however there are a bevy of other music downloads available for you to pick the song of your liking. The lyrics will appear in bubbles and as the song goes you are to tap each bubble with the appropriate lyric at the appropriate time. The better the timing the more points you earn; notes that are held longer you are supposed to press the lyric longer to earn more points.

Overall, this is a wonderful game that can entertain for hours. At the time of this review the Lyric Legend Android App free. Thumbs Up.

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Filed Under: FreeGamesThumbs Up


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