SoundHound Android App Review

The SoundHound Android App by SoundHound Inc. app is an extremely well designed all in one music app. Sound hound has a plethora of features that include lyrics to songs, streaming songs, a huge database to search songs, purchase the songs through Amazon mp3, and even search for the song on YouTube for the video. All of this can be done from within SoundHounds app engine. This app is extremely well designed and has very efficient functionality that also includes listing of similar artists that you have just searched for. SoundHound also has a great feature that can give you the name of a song currently being played, as well as, the lyrics, a means to share via social networks, YouTube search, and the ability to stream it live.

SoundHound is essentially an all in one audio stopping ground for anything you need. Once you open the SoundHound app you are greeted with a very well designed intuitive GUI. The front navigation page has an area for you to tap so SoundHound can listen to a song and identify if for you. Also here is the search box and the history tab. There is an integrated widget that comes with the download of the paid version only, which allows you to use the music recognition software without even opening the application itself. And the paid version also offers unlimited ID’s of music as well as a completely ad-free environment.

Overall, this is one of the best music recognition apps available on the Android market. At the time of this review the SoundHound Android App has a free version and a paid version for 4.99! This is a very highly recommended app! Thumbs Up.

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Filed Under: FreeMultimediaPaidThumbs Up


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