Cephas Holdings Developer of Ask the Sheik


Android App Review Source:

How did you get into developing apps?

Cephas Holdings:

We have been in the mobile space for years working with Palm, Motorola, and others.

Android App Review Source:

What was your inspiration for developing this app?

Cephas Holdings:

We believe branded celebrity associated apps will be popular. The Iron Sheik is a world recognized personality.

Android App Review Source:

How long did it take to develop the app?

Cephas Holdings:

One month.

Android App Review Source:

Are there any hidden features to the app?

Cephas Holdings:


Android App Review Source:

Do you have any future plans for this app?

Cephas Holdings:

Yes, we will expand our line of Sheik apps in the future.

Android App Review Source:

Do you plan to develop any new apps? If so when can we expect to see them in the Market?

Cephas Holdings:

We have several new apps in development and expect to have them out in the coming months.

Popularity: 2% [?]

Filed Under: Developer Spotlight


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