Apps Organizer Android App Review

The Apps Organizer Android App by Fabio Collini gives you the ability to organize your installed applications with labels. When the app first loads it will prepare a list of the apps installed on your phone. Once the list has loaded there are two tabs, one with a list of your apps and the other pre loaded labels. To organize an app simply select and then create your own label or select a label from the pre loaded list. You can assign an app to more than one label. When you are finished selecting a label or more than one label for your app press the ok button and you can see your app in the label tab.

Once you have organized all of your apps go to the home screen. From here press your finger lightly on the display screen and hold it there until a menu appears. From the menu select Shortcuts > Apps Organizer to bring up your organized list of apps. You can even create shortcuts to certain labels for your home screen with a custom icon. You also have the ability to uninstall an app.

Overall, this is a great app and makes finding your applications fast and easy. At the time of this review the Apps Organizer Android App is free. Highest Seal of Approval.


Apps Organizer Android App screen shot

Apps Organizer Android App screen shot 2

Popularity: 12% [?]

Filed Under: FreeHighest Seal of ApprovalTools


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  1. Bottlestopper says:

    Love this app. Creates icons that work as folders. one of the features i missed on android when i came over from the blackberry.