Thesaurus Android App Review

The Thesaurus Android App by SpeedyMarks is a thesaurus for the Android. When the app loads you are presented with a VERY large advertisement in the middle of the screen and a small search box on the bottom of the screen. Oddly enough, the ad that I got was for the invisible shield for the 3G iPhone…ineffective advertising much? Yeah…I think so. Anyway, to enter a word into the search box you need to use the keyboard and because the advertisement is so big you will need to scroll down to see the search box again to type in a word. The app takes a very long time to load and it seems like it is because of the huge ad but I’m not 100% sure. I also could not even get it to return any results. All it does is display an ad for an accessory for another cell phone. This app sucks, thumbs down.

Popularity: 1% [?]

Filed Under: FreeReferenceThumbs Down


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