All Entries in the "News" Category

The Game Gripper
Droid owners check this out, it’s called the Game Gripper and it basically molds to your phone so you can play games with the traditional controller feel. Simply place the Game Gripper over your existing keyboard and you can use it to play games. Here is a picture of it on a Droid. The Game [...]

The World’s First Android TV
The World’s First Android TV will be sold by a Swedish company name People of Lava. The TV will feature an internet connected, Android-based system, 42 inch HD LED screen. 47 and 55 inch models will also be available. The price for the 42 inch Android TV will be between $2,000 and $2,500 and the [...]

New Website: Free Android App A Day showcases 1 free version of a quality Android App per day. Stop by today for our grand opening to check out the new website and support developers who make quality Android Apps.

World’s First Dual Book has Android
The enTourage eDGeâ„¢ is the world’s first dual book and it is running an Android OS. This multifunction device allows you to read e-books, watch movies, listen to music, surf the Internet, take digital notes, send emails and instant messages. The enTourage eDGeâ„¢ features WiFi, SD Card and USB capabilities. This device can be used [...]

New Software Update for Nexus Phones Includes Multi-touch
Google announced that today Nexus One users will begin to receive an over-the-air software update on their phones. The update contains some new features as well as fixes a few problems that some Nexus users may have experienced. One of the major new features is the Multi-touch feature. Here the official announcement from Google is [...]

Sneak Peak at Mystique Ch3: Obitus Android App
Bendroid developer of the Mystique Android game series has chapter 3 coming out the week of 2/8/2010. Mystique is a 3d horror series game for the Android platform. We were lucky enough to get some sneak peak screen shots as well as a list of new features for this chapter. Here are the new features: [...]

The Official Information on the Google Nexus One
Today Google held a press conference at their headquarters in Mountain View, California where they released all of the official information about the Google Nexus One. Here is all of the information including what you need to do in order to get one. About the Google Nexus One Here are the specs of the phone: [...]

Hello Nexus One…Goodbye iPhone?
In case you have not heard there is yet another amazing Android OS phone that will be available very soon, it’s called the Nexus One. Here is a sneak peak at the quality of games you can expect in the near future: This phone should be out any day now and interestingly enough it won’t [...]
The Motorola Droid
Ok so if you have not seen the iDont commercial check it out below. If you have then you know what Motorola is trying to attempt. So let’s get right to the question…is the Droid an iPhone Killer?
How to gain more visibility in the Android Market
For all you Android App Developers and aspiring Android App Developers I found this article on The Mobile App Marketing Blog that gives some really good tips on how to rank your app in the Android Market. Here’s a link to the article: How to gain more visibility in Android Market