DrunkBlocker Android App Review
AndroidAppReviewer | Jul 16, 2009 | Comments 0
The DrunkBlocker Android App by Oscar Andersson will help prevent you from drunk dialing people that you would regret the next day. Setting up the app is simple, select the time period that you estimate you will be needing these certain contacts blocked for, add the contacts to your block list and then press the start the party button to activate the app.
There is a way to stop the app during the allotted time period that is assigned by taking a sobriety test. Basically the app will ask you a few questions and if you answer them correctly you can turn off the app. This is a great app that can come in pretty useful at times. One suggestion for the developer would be to also have a feature that allows you to block sending text messages to certain contacts if it’s possible.
Overall, this is a great app that can come in pretty handy. At the time of this review the DrunkBlocker Android App is free. Thumbs Up.

DrunkBlocker Android App screen shot 2
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Filed Under: Communication • Free • Thumbs Up
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