Kolobok Android App Review
The Kolobok Android App by Creative Mobile is a puzzle game for the Android platform. The object of the game is to help the character made of dough find his way home by solving each puzzle for each level. There are 4 main buttons for the controls, the D-Pad for moving the dough character, an [...]

MX Moto Android App Review
The MX Moto Android App by Camel Games is a motor cross game for the Android platform that is based on physics. The object of the game is to get to the finish line of each of the 12 tracks. You can perform flips by tilting your Android device to the left for a backflip [...]

Tony Hawk VERT Android App Review
The Tony Hawk VERT Android App by Glu Mobile is a half-pipe skateboarding game for the Android platform. The object of the game is to score points by performing tricks. The game has a full tutorial that will teach you all of the moves in the game and how to play. The controls are responsive [...]

BowQuest: PandaMania! Android App Review
The BowQuest: Android App by FizzPow Games is a tower defense game for the Android platform. You play as the panda who is a talented bowman as you protect his tower. The game features 5 lands, 50 levels and 5 bosses. To shoot press on the screen near the panda, drag his arrow toward your [...]

Gish Reloaded Android App Review
The Gish Reloaded Android App by HandyGames is a game about a 12 pound ball of tar and his adventures in the gloomy underground. In this game Gish’s kids have been taken from him and you will have to help Gish save them. The game is based on advanced physics and Gish is controlled by [...]

Soccer Superstars Android App Review
The Soccer Superstars Android App by GAMEVIL Inc. is a full soccer game for the Android platform. The game features several different game modes: Exhibition, My League, Season Mode, Cup Mode, Dramatic Mode and Recent Match. In Season Mode you guide your team to world success. In Cup Mode you play for a trophy. Dramatic [...]

Plox: Tower Defense Android App Review
The Plox: Tower Defense Android App by Chicken Brick Studios is a tower defense game for the Android platform. The game features 5 maps, 9 different enemies, over 350 waves, 4 tower types with upgradeable abilities and some bonus content which offers some new maps and enemies. The graphics are clean, detailed and of quality. The controls are simple [...]

Meteor Storm Android App Review
The Meteor Storm Android App by Terry Paton is a shooter game for the Android platform. The object of the game is to protect your base by shooting and eliminating the meteors before they hit your base. To shoot simply press on the screen one where you want to shoot. The controls are very responsive [...]

Steambirds Android App Review
The Steambirds Android App by Spry Fox LLC is a game for the Android platform with turn-based gameplay of the game Steambirds. The object of the game is to shoot down the enemy planes before they can shoot you down. To do this you move the planes each turn you get. Each turn you set [...]

Ant Run Android App Review
The Ant Run Android App by era.yeung is a very simply yet challenging game. You play as an ant and your objective is to jump over and avoid the obstacles as the ant runs to the finish line. There are 2 types of jumps that the ant can perform, a lower jump and a higher [...]