All Entries in the "Undecided" Category

Let’s Bowl Android App Review
The Let’s Bowl Android App by SideBump studios app/game is an android optimized bowling game available for download in the android market. This is a very generic android bowling game that does not have any frills or extras available in the free version. The paid version does have two extra bowling alleys and 6 different [...]

Sketch Me Android App Review
The Sketch Me Android App by roidstudio app is an imaging editing app that is very simple and only serves on purpose; to apply a special rendering affect to any image on your phone or one you take with a camera, to a sketch like photo. This app does not offer any additional features. You [...]
Pigs Can Fly Site Monitor Android App Review
The Pigs Can Fly Site Monitor Android App by Pigs Can fly Computing alerts you if your website goes down no your Android phone. The app also gives you the option of checking to see if your website is on slashdot or reddit. All you need to do to monitor your website is enter in [...]
aDrink Android App Review
The aDrink Android App by AndroidApps is a beer simulator/math game. When the app loads you Android phone’s display screen is filled with virtual beer. Using the accelerometer you can pour the beer out. This feature needs some work to be more realistic. To refill press the menu button on your phone and select the [...]
Truphone Anywhere Android App Review
The Truphone Anywhere Android App by Truphone Android is an all-in-one messaging plus VoIP calling application for the Android. With this app you can access all of your MSN, Yahoo!, Google Talk and Twitter friends.
My Name Is Android App Review
The My Name Is Android App by onlythoughtworks is an application that allows you to create a name tag on your Android. There is really no point to this app besides that you can create a basic Hello my name is… name tag on your Android’s display screen. You can customize it with a few [...]
Wrath of the Fungi Android App Review
The Wrath of the Fungi Android App by Evil Mushroom Lord is an interesting logic game for the Android. The object of the game is to destroy all of your enemies. There are quite a few different gameplay modes to choose from which allows up to 4 human players. When the app loads you will [...]
Mancala Android App Review
The Mancala Android App by Dan Barnett brings the game of Mancala to your Android. There are two modes of gameplay, player VS Android and player VS player. The graphics are decent as far as the game board goes, but the background could use some work.
Biolines Android App Review
The Biolines Android App by TX Systems is a puzzle/matching type of game for the Android. The object of the game is to arrange the ball creatures by the same colors by using 5 or more of them in a straight line. Once you get 5 or more of the same color they will disappear [...]
Flingers Android App Review
The Flingers Android App by Thatcher Ulrich is a real-time/action Flower Defense game for the Android. The object of the game is to protect your flowers by shooting bugs with pellets to fend them off.