All Entries in the "Travel" Category

Currency Converter Android App Review
The Currency Converter Android App by OANDA Corporation is a currency converter that has no frills or any kind of non-sense associated with it whatsoever. This is an extremely useful app that was well designed and does exactly what it is supposed to. The interface is simple, you have the one currency you are using [...]

TripIt – Travel Organizer Android App Review
The TripIt – Travel Organizer Android App by TripIt, Inc is an android app that makes it easy to plan your trip and let those who need to know about your trip. The app was very well designed and has a ton of features to offer, some of which require you to upgrade to the [...]

Google Earth Android App Review
The Google Earth Android App by Google Inc. app is Google’s mobile Android optimized version of the popular computer program Google Earth. Google has taken the Earth app and completely optimized it for the mobile Android platform including many of the popular features that are included with the computer program. The app itself includes many [...]

GasBuddy – Find Cheap Gas Android App Review
The GasBuddy – Find Cheap Gas Android App by app is an app that will allow you search and locate gas stations around your GPS location in an effort to help you find the cheapest gas. The interface of the app is simple and intuitive with some great added features. The app will display not [...]

Car Locator Android App Review
The Car Locator Android App by Edward Kim helps you find your car by using your phone’s GPS and Google Maps. Simply set the app up when you have parked your car and when it’s time to find your car the app will guide you there with several different features. The app tells you how [...]

Travel Weather Outlook Android App Review
The Travel Weather Outlook Android App by DroidRX is a travel weather app that produces a weather report for each city that you will travel through on your trip. When the app first loads the app will detect your current location and you can then enter your ending city of your trip. The app will [...]

OnTheRoad Android App Review
The OnTheRoad Android App by OnTheRoad Inc. is a global traveling application that documents your trips worldwide and then allows you to share them with your friends and family. When the app first loads you will need to create a free account which will give you your own profile on their server. The profile looks [...]

Waze Android App Review
The Waze Android App by Waze is a turn by turn GPS social media app for the Android. This app tracks traffic, speed traps, hazards, etc. by simply having this app open while a user is driving. For everyone’s safety the app will not allow you to type while your vehicle is in motion. As [...]

Carrr Matey Android App Review
The Carrr Matey Android App by Lionebra Studios is a car parking locator app with a pirate theme. When the app first loads you will see a map with your location on it. There are buttons on the map: Drop Anchor (pinpoint your location), Zoom in and out buttons (the middle ones with the swords [...]

FlightStats for Android App Review
The FlightStats for Android App by FlightStats delivers flight tracking capabilities to your Android. This app features flight tracking by flight, route or airport. Some additional features include, airport weather and delay conditions and airline contact information from FlightStats.