All Entries in the "Social" Category
The Google+ Android App by Google Inc. is Google’s attempt to penetrate the social networking game. Google has done a, masterful job with its customary simple design and seamless integration with Android as well as all the other Google applications. Google +’s interface is extremely simply designed and has many features that the other social [...]
The GO SMS Facebook Chat plug – in by GO Dev Team app is a Facebook chat client for your Android device. This app is an add – on that requires having the GO SMS application installed on your device prior to you installing the Facebook chat client. If you do not do so you [...]

Bump Android App Review
The Bump Android App lets you share photos, contacts and apps with other Android users easily. First you create a contact card to share which you can also add photos and apps to by attaching them to the contact card. Simply open up the app on each Android device and gently bump your hands together while [...]

TweetDeck Android App Review
The TweetDeck Android App by TweetDeck Inc is a mobile browser that combines your Twitter, FaceBook, Foursquare and Google Buzz accounts into one app. The app’s interface allows you to view all of your data, post updates, etc. for each account. Great for organization, this app also allows you to send out messages, view your [...]

GTalk Status Widget Android App Review
The GTalk Status Widget Android App by Billy Francisco allows you to view your Google Talk status on your home screen as well as update it. The widget is small and does not take up a lot of room which is good. Simply press on the top of the widget and a screen will appear [...]
Mundu IM Android App Review
Mundu IM Android App Review The Mundu IM Android App by Geodesic is a instant messaging application that includes several different messaging clients including: Yahoo! Messenger MSN GTalk XMPP AIM ICQ When you first load the app you will be asked to add your IM accounts by pressing the menu button on your phone. Select [...]

Twidgit Lite Android App Review
The Twidgit Lite Android App by Disretrospect is a Twitter home screen app for the Android. The widget displays the most recent updates from your timeline feed up to the last 20 Tweets. You can also reply to each Tweet, retweet and set your status.

LED Scroller Android App Review
The LED Scroller Android App by DKIT AS turns your Android into an LED Ticker/Banner/Marquee. When the app first loads there is a place to enter your text that you want displayed, 6 colors to choose from and the speed of the scroll. This app works particularly well in the dark and really reproduces the [...]
The foobook for facebook Android App by foofactory is a FaceBook application for the Android. When the app first loads you will be asked to sign into your FaceBook account to import your contacts. You will then be taken to the General Settings menu where you can customize your alerts, status settings and FaceBook settings. [...]
GFindster Android App Review
The GFindster Android App by Ash is a friend finder social networking application. When the app first loads press the connect button with your finger on the display screen. You will then be prompted to enter a chat name and set your lag time. From this menu you can also select the local chat option [...]