All Entries in the "Recommended Apps of the Week" Category

Recommended Android Apps of the Week – 9/26/2011
Pixlr-o-matic Turn your photos into cool looking vintage images. With this fun and simple darkroom app, you can layer filters, lighting and borders to get that retro grunge look in three simple steps. So many options to choose from, there are 25,000 possible finishes for any one image. Download Pixlr-o-matic Android App Spring Zen HD [...]

Recommended Android Apps of the Week – 9/19/2011
Box It! 2 Follow an ancient Inca trail and help Marv to solve the old Inca mysteries in the ruins of Kazarakt. Beneath the ruins is the entrance to the mines of Kazarakt. The mines are said to hold enormous amounts of gold and treasures. To unlock the entrance, Marv has to relocate the statues [...]

Recommended Android Apps of the Week
Lose It! Succeed at weight loss with Lose It! Set goals and establish a daily calorie budget that enables you to meet them. Stay on track each day by recording your food and exercise and staying within your budget. The average active Lose It! user has lost more than 12lbs and more than 85% of [...]