All Entries in the "Productivity" Category

WD Introduces Personal Cloud Computing
If you are at all like me, you find the advantages of cloud computing to be quite attractive—Access to you files on multiple devices; protection against loss; more space on your device. The glaring problem for me has always been the fact that my data is at a remote location, vulnerable to hacking, corruption, and [...]

Top Secret Text Android App Review
The Top Secret Text Android App by roman10 is an android app that is designed to protect secret information on your phone. It protects the information by using two different sets of algorithms in order to encrypt the sensitive information. This application is perfect for items like credit cards that you do not want anyone [...]
Caller ID Reader – Speak Calls Android App Review
The Caller ID Reader – Speak Calls Android App by is a voice integrated caller I.D. app that read the name of the contact who is call you aloud. The whole design behind the app is for the user to be able to screen calls without having to pick up the phone. The same [...]

Catch Notes Android App Review
The Catch Notes Android App by is an android app that makes it easy to capture ideas. The ideas can be in the form of pictures or images/video and they will easily be able to stored in a password protected environment so people cannot profit from your idea, or just so you can maintain [...]

Android Hotmail Android App Review
The Android Hotmail Android App by Better Android Apps allows you to access hotmail account via the mobile website that has been designed for Hotmail and Windows Live users. Please not that this app is NOT the official Hotmail app and does not have push notifications, or any notifications for that fact of the matter. It [...]

Quick Agenda Android App Review
The Quick Agenda Android App by Everybody all the time will allow you to view your calendar at a glance with one press. This is a very simply designed app with an excellent widget built in as well as an excellent app overall. The app does exactly what the name entails and acts just like [...]

SwipePad Android App Review
The SwipePad Android App by Calcium Ion app is a launcher panel that responds to specific swipe actions. The app utilizes the haptic feedback and sensors on the phone to determine the swiping action and once the swiping action occurs you have several different options that you can choose from. Like other launcher panels the [...]

Juice Defender – Battery Saver Android App Review
The JuiceDefender – Battery Saver Android App by Latedroid app is a battery saving, app managing, and task managing replacement over the stock apps that is aimed at conserving battery life. It is specifically concerned with saving battery life when you hit the 15% threshold for your battery, as it is designed to squeeze as [...]

ColorNote Notepad Android App Review
The ColorNote Notepad Notes Android App by Notes app is a sticky note reminder application. The app has many different features and is a great little tool for reminders, calendar events and placing colored sticky notes on any of your home screens to remind you that you have things that need to get accomplished. The [...]
The AndroZip File Manager Android App by AgileSoft Resource is a file management/zip tool. This file manager has some added features that do not come with other file managers. Other than that this is an excellent file manager that is par for the course with built in app and task managers for easy toggling and [...]