All Entries in the "Paid" Category

Cake Mania Celebrity Chef Android App Review
The Cake Mania Celebrity Chef Android App By GameHouse is a time management/strategy game for the Android platform. You play as Jill Evans who is on a reality show called Cake Mania Celebrity Chef. The object of the game is to bake cakes for your customers and pass each level in order to win the [...]

Furry Legends Android App Review
The Furry Legends Android App by SkyZone Entertainment is an adventure game based on the console game for the Android platform. The object of the game is to complete each of the levels that are physics based. The controls consist of 5 buttons located in the bottom left hand corner just for moving your character. [...]

Antigen Android App Review
The Antigen Android App by Battery Powered Games, LLC is a unique puzzle game for the Android platform. You play as a 4 sided character with each of the 4 sides as a different puzzle piece. You enemies each have a different puzzle piece that you most match with one of your 4 in order [...]

Sally’s Salon Luxury Edition Android App Review
The Sally’s Salon Luxury Edition Android App by GameHouse is a time management/strategy game for the Android platform. The object of the game is to serve each customer that comes into the salon and earn money so that Sally can expand her business. There are different types of customers that you will need to serve [...]

ICE: In Case of Emergency Android App Review
The ICE: In Case of Emergency Android App by Appventive stores your emergency contacts, insurance information, doctor’s name and number, allergies, medical conditions, medications and any special instructions a paramedic would need to know about you in the event of an emergency. The app runs from your lock screen and from a widget for easy access. [...]

FoodsDial Android App Review
The FoodsDial Android App by wuzla is a very challenging puzzle game for the Android platform. The object of the game is to rotate the puzzle board one way at a time in order to move the pieces of food together and match 3 of a kind. You do this by a swipe gesture in [...]

Scooter Hero Android App Review
The Scooter Hero Android App by wuzla is a side scroller game with 3 modes of gameplay. The object of the game is to get as far as you can without falling. You do this by jumping from platform to platform. To score additional points you can do grinds. Super Medals mode adds the obstacle of trying to collect [...]

Spaghetti Marshmallows Android App Review
The Spaghetti Marshmallows Android App by Fruxotic Games is a physics based puzzle game. The object of the game is to build a structure using uncooked spaghetti and marshmallows so that it reaches the circle for each level. You only have a certain amount of uncooked spaghetti and marshmallows. You start with a marshmallow and [...]

Build-a-Lot Android App Review
The Build-a-Lot Android App by Glu Mobile is a real estate based casual strategy game similar to Hotel Mogul. The game features 2 modes of gameplay Career and Casual mode. In Career mode you will need to complete the goals for 35 different levels. Each level has a goal that can consist from a obtaining [...]

Baseball Superstars Android App Review
The Baseball Superstars Android App by GAMEVIL Inc. is a full baseball game for the Android platform featuring Normal, My League, Season Homerun Derby and Mission gameplay modes. In Normal Mode you play a normal game of baseball. In My League mode you can raise a batter or pitcher player where you can customize your [...]