All Entries in the "Multimedia" Category

WD Introduces Personal Cloud Computing
If you are at all like me, you find the advantages of cloud computing to be quite attractive—Access to you files on multiple devices; protection against loss; more space on your device. The glaring problem for me has always been the fact that my data is at a remote location, vulnerable to hacking, corruption, and [...]

An Alternative to the GTunes Android App
I have found an Alternative to the GTunes Android App. I know that many of you are very keen on GTunes and other such related apps. I am trying to help the community by using only apps available on the Android Market so everyone has a fair chance to use them. This website does not advocate the [...]

Root and Me Android App Review
The Root and Me Android App by Jake Schultz is a launcher panel that responds to specific swipe actions. The app utilizes the haptic feedback and sensors on the phone to determine the swiping action and once the swiping action occurs you have several different options that you can choose from. Like other launcher panels [...]

MoboPlayer Android App Review
The MoboPlayer Android App by Mobo Team app is a music replacement app that replaces the stock music application on your android mobile device. The application does offer some additional features that the stock application does not such as, support for additional codes. The application will also allow you to choose specific file directories in [...]

SoundHound Android App Review
The SoundHound Android App by SoundHound Inc. app is an extremely well designed all in one music app. Sound hound has a plethora of features that include lyrics to songs, streaming songs, a huge database to search songs, purchase the songs through Amazon mp3, and even search for the song on YouTube for the video. [...]

Sketchbook Mobile Android App Review
The Sketchbook Mobile Android App by Autodesk Inc. is a professional grade paint and drawing app for the Android platform. The app offers a full set of sketching tools and a streamlined and intuitive user interface. The app gives you a canvas size of up to 1024×768, 47 preset brushes and customizable brush settings to [...]

Stop-Motion Android App Review
The Stop-Motion Android App by gives you the ability to create stopmotion videos, animations and claymations right from your Android device. This app uses your Android device’s camera to take the individual pictures and then puts all of the frames together into a .mov file that you can upload to YouTube or play in [...]

Androlib Wallpapers Android App Review
The Androlib Wallpapers Android App by Magma Mobile allows you to search through 1,500+ wallpapers/backgrounds and set them on your Android phone. When the app first loads you will be presented with a list of wallpapers/backgrounds and navigation buttons on the right hand side of the screen as well as on the bottom of the [...]

Photo BURST Android App Review
The Photo BURST Android App by androidslide is a feature packed photo gallery application for the Android. You will need to download the free version which is the launcher first, then you can purchase Photo BURST Pro to unlock all of the Pro features. When the app first loads it will index all of your [...]

MusicSleep Android App Review
The MusicSleep Android App by Daniel Velazco allows you to set a timer on your phone so you can listen to music as you fall asleep. The app will turn the music off for you at whatever time you specify. The app supports your default music player, HTC player, Lastfm, TuneWiki, Streamfurious, Meridian, AOR, DriodLive, [...]