All Entries in the "Developer Spotlight" Category

Interview with Paul Gnusin Developer of Glow Puzzle Android App
Android App Review Source: What was your inspiration for developing this app? Paul Gnusin: I remember that being a kid I used to draw different figures using continuous lines. Even at the University during some lectures I would find myself drawing something on the margins of my notebook. Once I caught myself drawing a house [...]

Interview with Bendroid LLC Developer of Mystique Ch3: Obitus Android App
Android App Review Source: What was your inspiration for developing the Mystique series? Bendroid LLC: Each of us has played dozens of pc and console games, from Super Mario to the Call of Dut series and God of War 3. Our games are the direct result of this collective gaming background, our desire to bring [...]

Interview with KittehFace Software Developer of Synergy
Android App Review Source: What was your inspiration for developing this app? KittehFace Software: Looking through the market, there seemed to be a bit of a gap for this style of game. I was a huge fan of Columns back in the day, and while there’s a couple clones up there, I wanted to make [...]

Interview with Woo Games Developer of FRG Android App
Android App Review Source: What was your inspiration for developing this app? Woo Games: FRG was a game idea I’d tinkered with occasionally starting in 2003. The main inspiration was a desire to produce a game where stuff exploded. FRG for Android came about because of the Android Developer Challenge 2 – I felt I [...]

Interview with WeatherBug Developer of WeatherBug Android App
Android App Review Source: What was your inspiration for developing this app? WeatherBug: We wanted to utilize Android’s powerful OS to create a weather experience. We were the first to display the temperature in the notification bar, which is a standard feature with most of the Android apps these days. I also believe our weather [...]

Interview with swordiApps Developer of DailyCash Android App
Android App Review Source: What was your inspiration for developing this app? swordiApps: A year ago we where looking for a finance app, but we didn’t find a good one. So we decided to make our own with some cool features and an easy to use interface. Android App Review Source: What’s your personal favorite [...]

Interview with OrangePixel Developer of Mini Plane Android App
Android App Review Source: What was your inspiration for developing this app? OrangePixel: After a couple of bigger games, we wanted to design a game that had very simple game mechanics but that we could easily add new features and updates to. So we took a simple well known Flash-game idea, and turned it into [...]

Interview with KeyesLabs Developer of Screebl Android App
Android App Review Source: What was your inspiration for developing this app? KeyesLabs: The inspiration for Screebl was my wife, plain and simple. We were both in the car and I was driving while she was trying to use my phone to check Facebook, look at some pictures in my album, and so on. The [...]

Interview with DailyRoads Developer of DailyRoads Voyager Android App
Android App Review Source: How did you get into developing apps? DailyRoads: I am a software engineer, and during my career I have developed various apps, ranging from DOS programs written in C++, to database-driven web applications built with PHP. With the proliferation of smartphones, it was a natural choice to turn towards Android and [...]

Interview with Yellow Pages Directory Developer of Yellow Pages Android App
Android App Review Source: How did you get into developing apps? Yellow Pages Directory: The applications we develop are really just an extension of our core business. Our sister company is Yellow Pages Directory, so with the right vision, investment backing, and understanding of how smartphone technology will continue to change everyone’s lives and how [...]