All Entries in the "Comics" Category

Bart Simpson Board Android App Review
The Bart Simpson Board Android App by MiSc lets you write your own custom message on the chalkboard and save it a an image file. To write a new message on the chalkboard simply press the menu button on your Android device and then press the Write button on the touch screen. A text box [...]
AndroidAppReviewer | Nov 08, 2010 | Comments 0

Vintage Comic Droid Android App Review
The Vintage Comic Droid Android App by eingrad gives you free access to a library of more than 3,000 public domain comic books. When the app first loads you will need to download additional graphics to your SD-Card. Once the files are loaded you will be at the home screen. From here you can either [...]
AndroidAppReviewer | Jan 27, 2010 | Comments 0