Super Jack Android App Review

The Super Jack Android App by mAPPn, Inc. is a flying game for the Android with personality. The intro text explains the whole story however, the text goes way too quickly and I was not able to read the entire thing fast enough to finish it. The intro text needs to be slowed down to get the full story. Besides that, the graphics for Jack are pretty good in the screen shot below but on the actual phone are kind of dark and hard to see.The elements that you have to navigate around could be better.

Super Jack Android App

The game has three difficulty levels: Easy, Normal and Hard. After you select your level you will need to click the track ball to start the game. The controls are simple all you need to do is press and hold the track ball to make Jack go forward and up and release the track ball to make him slow down and do down.

The object of the game is to navigate Jack through Wall Street while avoiding road blocks and earning money. The farther you go the more money you earn. You can also pick up coins and speed boosters to help Jack through the levels.

Overall, the game’s controls are pretty simple, pretty responsive and this is simply a fun game to play. The Hard level is definitely a challenge and makes the game more interesting. The game has potential for sure to be even better than it already is. I would recommend beefing up the graphics of the elements and fixing the story line issue.

At the time of this review the Super Jack Android App is $0.99 and there is a free version which I definitely recommend downloading and trying out. Thumbs up.

Popularity: 1% [?]

Filed Under: GamesPaidThumbs Up


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